Open Hearts on the Open Road
Let’s overshare. Three new friends taught me the gain of being inappropriate in business. And now:
My heart has never been more open.
My new friends travel for a living selling products to other sales people. Let’s unpack what that means.
They are often on the open road more days than they are at home.
They sell multi-million dollar contracts that can make or break large corporations.
They sell to the people who know every sales trick in every sales book.
The stakes are high and the pressure is immense. They perfected a craft that I thought would be a Master Class in the Art of Selling. Instead, it was a spiritual class in the Art of Creating Lasting Friendships.
To understand their true craft, you must erase your brain of any subtle manipulation techniques some use to win friends and influence people. The gifts and talents of my sales friends transcend control and management maneuvers. They honestly and sincerely love making new friends.
A Great Adventure or a Great Story?
So, there I was —-deep in a new travel adventure meeting new friends with C-suite Sales titles. I was hoping to impress and it went the other way. They asked me a question that triggered an old business wound, and I inappropriately spilled my guts.
My sales friends looked at each other in shock as I bled venom from a place I locked away years ago. My oversharing created an awkward silence.
After what seemed like an eternity of embarrassment, they artfully matched my pain.
They healed my bitter heart with their own stories. They shared the torment of their Business Bullies and scarred hearts.
We all have at least one person who made our lives hell.
Our shared experiences evolved into a deeper understanding and desire to learn and grow together.
We shared time, wine, learning and laughter. We healed childhood wounds and held space to explore a new way of building a business together.
These sales friends became my forever friends. I traveled with them for two weeks, and they created genuine friendships with every person they met.
I desperately want my sales friends to share their craft with the world. Until they finally write their book, I will tell you their influence has made a dramatic change in the way I do business.
This past week, I had two high level business meetings to sell Being Valued Business Services. There wasn’t any selling. There were only beautifully deep conversations where I held space as the CEOs shared their experiences with grief, life, love, and the importance of forever friends.
Let’s overshare together. Let’s not worry anymore about the boundaries of business. Let’s be forever friends.