THIS is when I QUIT.

Let’s Pause. Every great project, grand endeavor, and life-changing choice has a built-in moment when it makes sense to say:


The only way I can overcome THIS moment is to plan ahead for it.

Do you think I quit because I’m weak, unmotivated or lazy? Think again. I quit because my survivalist brain is LOUD.

Every great project, grand endeavor, and life-changing choice demands risk and change. And, my survivalist brain hates change!

My survivalist brain wants routines, patterns, and certainty to predict outcomes and avoid potential threats. I have a hardwired alarm system always keeping me safe and alive.

Thriving? No. Surviving? YES!

Seeking new and different?

My brain alarm starts screaming.

Seeking comfort and familiarity?

My brain rewards me with feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin.

Unfortunately, my survivalist brain alarm shows up fashionably late. It sneaks in weeks AFTER I've already taken a risk.

No, my brain doesn’t STOP me from jumping into the unknown of a grand endeavor. It makes my life miserable as soon as the thrill of something new wears off.

When The Thrill is Gone

I am suddenly tired and my brain cries:

This is hard. This is crazy. This hurts. Don’t do it.

Come back to bed. Grab your blanket. Chill out. Be safe.

The bigger the change, the louder the chatter. I know this moment well.

But hey, good news! I have learned to plan ahead for THIS moment. Here’s the trick:

I give my survivalist brain exactly what it wants. THIS is when I QUIT.

Just for a day, I quit.

Just for a day, I go back to bed, chill out, sleep in, and stay safe.

Just for a day, I stop and seek wisdom from someone who understands THIS moment.

THIS satisfies my survivalist brain and floods my body with feel-good hormones. My intellectual brain knows it’s only a pausebut, we never even whisper the word until after my batteries are recharged.

A day of QUIT (pause) is all my brain needs to fire up again. When my QUIT is pre-planned just for a day, my fatigue is replaced by a renewed focus. The thrill of it all begins again!

Individual Sessions for your Post-New-Year-Resolution-Fatigue

When the thrill of your NEW YEAR resolutions begins to wear off, it’s time for an Individual Session. Don't fight your survivalist brain alone!

Schedule an Individual Session with your Being Valued support squad. Get back on track, refuel your energy, and let’s conquer those big dreams together.

Let’s Pause together!


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