You did it wrong.

Let’s Learn. My friend didn’t like the way I played the “Two Words” game. They said:

You did it wrong.

Ouch! The words “You did it wrong.” hurt. My defense shields automatically popped up.

No, I didn’t. I sent you two words.

My friend tried to explain:

You made a phrase instead of two separate words. That’s not how the game is played.

I argued righteously.

It’s both two words and a phrase. My words last year were both two words and a phrase. I can be more sacred, AND I can say YES more often. It’s two words.

I made myself right and my friend wrong. They gave up and said:

I was just disappointed. It wasn’t what I was expecting.

In this moment of my friend’s disappointment, I had a choice. Would I rather be right, loving or learning? Spoiler Alert: I chose poorly.

Two words. One missed connection. Zero learning.

I had an opportunity for empathy and compassion for my friend’s feelings. Instead, I dug in and restated my case. I didn’t want to be wrong.

It has taken me years of training to be open to learning – especially when I am being too stubborn to be loving. I can’t learn anything new if I am not willing to lower my defense shields and be wrong. Ouch!

My friend was right:

I did it wrong. It’s not two words.

Sacred YES is one phrase with two words that can not be separated. I can’t say YES without sacred alignment. And I can’t be sacred without action.

Let’s Learn. Let’s be wrong together. Let’s drop our defense shields. And, let’s be more loving while we are learning.


What’s SEO? Time to Learn and Grow


Two Words for 2024