Shhh…Tell Everyone!
Let’s promote the quiet genius. I gotta a guy and a gal who can help. Just call them. They helped me.
Appreciating the Classics
Let’s be respectful. I’ve been brainwashed to value NEW over the tried and true. Don’t let a lifetime of advertising control our perceived value of old products or people. Let’s value and appreciate the classics.
Choose Wisely
Let’s Choose Wisely. February is a big month for job offers and life-changing decisions. Behind every door is a prize – if you choose wisely.
We could’ve been anything we wanted to be
Let’s listen and promise to be exactly who we wanted to be. Yes, that decision is ours. It's been decided we're weaker divided. Let friendship double our powers.
The Blue Feather Game
Let’s play! Seek and you shall find...a Blue Feather. Explore, laugh, and discover how your approach to this game mirrors your approach to life's bigger adventures.
The Battle of Should, Could and Would
Let’s win. Should, Could, and Would often clash in the Colosseum of our minds. But who holds the key to true victory? Let’s see who wins the war within.
THIS is when I QUIT.
Let’s Pause. Every epic journey has a built-in moment when you hear an unsettling voice nudging you to QUIT. Before you give up on your new dreams and new choices, let’s explore why this voice creeps in and how to outsmart it.
What’s SEO? Time to Learn and Grow
Let’s Do New. Finding the right Key Words to describe the transformative journey of an Individual Session is tricky. While others are searching, we are building. Check out our NEW opportunity to learn and grow.
You did it wrong.
Let’s Learn. My friend didn’t like the way I played the “Two Words” game. They said:
You did it wrong.
Ouch! The words “You did it wrong.” hurt.
My defense shields automatically popped up. I didn’t want to be wrong.
Two Words for 2024
Let’s play! A friend of mine invited me to play a game called “Two Words” for 2024.
Pick two words as a theme, intention, wish, or want for the New Year.
I welcome you to join the game. Once you pick your two words, you are added to the list and so be it.